Delta Zeta Journal
- Summer 2002
- Centennial Convention
I had the honor to attend the 2002 Delta Zeta National Convention. It was held at Miami University in Oxford, OH, the birth place of DZ one hundred years ago!
The banner that Katie and Marci designed for the Parade of Flags at the convention. I think it was one of the best ones there!
Me and Ashley from the Rho Chapter at the University of Denver during the Installation Banquet.
I pose with Florence Hood Minor - a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Florence with Baby Linsay, our CCD Michele's Daugher - a future DZ?
Me and Sara from the Delta Beta chapter at the University of Tampa. Sara was my roommate for the week, and it was annouced that the next convention (in 2004) will be held in Tampa! that's pretty cool! congrats Sara!
Delta Zetas from Region IV - Ami Beth from Marshall University, Me, Karen from WVU Tech, Alaina from Concord College, Amber from Longwood University, Jillian from Randolph Macon College, and Mindi from Gallaudet University.
Wanna know what happens next? Well then, visit my Fall '02 Rush page.
Or you could go back to the table of contents for my journal.
Still, you could choose to go back home.