My friend Benny from Disney has his own page, Ravenstake Pictures. The site is still under construction, but soon you'll be able to purchase Community Service on video, and learn tons of stuff about the movie.
You could visit my FAVORITE band's web page. Look for entire section about these amazing men soon! The Official Dave Matthews Band Website.
You could also visit the Better Than Ezra Official Page. They're an awesome band that doesn't get too much recognition around here.
Now, if you're really bored, you can go to the Fairmont State University Homepage. That's where I went to college, so it might be kinda interesting.
Here is a great site when you're in a creative mood and you just don't know what to do with yourself. Sand Art. This page lets you make those sand paintings that you always see in coke bottles at the carnivals.
A good time waster site, Virtual Bubblewrap was sent to me by Richie, my Disney friend and trainer! This is a fun one.
Of course, I'd have another 'do-nothing' site: The Reflex Tester Try it, you'll be hooked!
And for my other "Old Lady" hobby, you could visit Crochet Cabana. It's a page that taught me a few new stiches and such.
Okay, some people have thought that this site was absolutely stupid, but I love it! It makes me smile everytime I click on it! Insanity Test Ha Ha Ha!
Play PegballWhy Not?
Try a game of Putt Putt even if it's raining!
You could try your hand at being an insect. Bugs are bad. Spider Game
This would be my favorite Horoscope page: Astrocenter It's really cool, it lets you add people, so you can know what's going on in everyone's lives.
Visit the page for every chicka's bible, Cosmo.
Vist the Offical Page for my sorority. DELTA ZETA I am Proud to be a DZ!
And of course, visit the offical page for the internship that changed my life! WDWCP The Walt Disney World College Program
This is where to find all the amazing Disney stuff for my pages. Mickey Mouse Mania. It's a great page! go see!
And of course, all of the amazing Delta Zeta graphics came from Tracy. She's a DZ too!
And two randomly cute turtle greeting cards to brighten your day - I Need You and
You Got A Friend in Me! This one plays Disney music!
An extra bonus, The Path to Friendship
Okay Jetnica, I've changed my mind, I don't wanna leave ya! Take me home again!