WDWCP Journal - Entry #1
It all started when I saw a poster on the way to English class one early Tuesday morning. It was a big yellow sign that had two simple words on it: WORK MAGIC. That really didn't catch my eye, but the silhouette of mouse ears couldn't be missed! At the bottom of the banner were the location (342 Brooks Hall, West Virginia University), date (February 17), and time (6 p.m.) of a meeting. I wrote it down and planned on going. A couple of weeks later, on my way to history class, I noticed a guy carrying a huge box full of more Disney stuff. I made some crazy comment about how I had seen those posters around campus, and we struck up a conversation. Turns out that he was Fairmont State College's Campus Representative for the Disney College Program (Doesn't that just sound nice and technical!) As Josh Scarcella and I continued talking, he told me about the College Program and he told me about two informal get-togethers at FSC before the "BIG" meeting at the university. So off I go, to learn more! At the two meetings, I met Lucy Ice, who had just come home from Disney. She and Josh had LOADS of pictures and information and they told me what to expect for the big meeting (which I found out was really an interview!) They told everyone about the program, how it worked, what to do at the interview and even some of the "little secrets" about Vista Way! I left the meetings and went shopping for a nice outfit to wear to the interview. (Yea! Shopping!)
Wanna know what happens next? Well then, all you gotta do is go to my interview page!
Or you could go back to the table of contents for my journal.
Still, you could choose to go back home.